Mikado: The construction workers edition

During this week in Helsinki's nature and metropolitan areas I was looking around
for a nice location to make 'something'. Cycling past the location above presented an option. 
The choatic manner in which these logs were just thrown down instantly gave me the impression 
of a giant game of mikado.

For those of you who don't know Mikado. It is a game where you need to pick up a stick from a jumbled pile without moving any of the other sticks. If you succeed you may continue with the next one and even use the sticks you've earned to help you take out another one. Normally the sticks are the size of sate-sticks.

Mostly the humor of creating a giant game of mikado appealed to me. Mikado in such a big scale makes absolutely no sense. There is no way you are going to be able to move one of those logs out of the pile, not to mention doing it without moving another log. Nonetheless I would like the idea some people would try to play it, if only as a joke. Even more I am hoping for that moment where it is time to tidy up the location. When construction workers come by in their grip trucks and decide to play the game just once before they dispose of the pile.

by Rik van der Laan                      

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